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3 Privacy Tips to Be Aware of While You Play Online

Online privacy is something to take seriously, and with the arrival of new ways to connect with people, online multiplayer connectivity has been one of the best ways for us to talk and interact with other people freely.

But we have to take in consideration that, each time we talk and interact with another person online, we can be a prominent target for a hacker or a scammer. Being in this constant risk of losing our private information is dangerous.

That's why we are going to tell you the best privacy tips that you should keep in mind the next time you play an online session of your favourite video game.


Don’t Reply to Spam Private Messages

If you play MMORPG, then, you should know what I’m talking about. Sometimes while you are wandering in the surroundings of any MMORPG, an unknown player might try to engage a conversation with you by sending you a private message.

Recognizing a spam private message is incredibly vital since they can get your personal information by just simply sending you a ".jpg" link, as well as any other URL that tells you about free in-game items or currency.

That's why one of the best tips we can give you regarding this matter is to avoid and ignore any player that sends messages like those.

Avoid Sharing Personal Information with Other Players

Another thing to avoid almost completely is sharing your personal information, with that in mind, we refer to any type of information that can tell the others where you live, many players do it and don't realize it is not safe.

Another trick that hackers use is to ask the player the security questions for their email recovery without the player noticing it in the first place.

Remember to stay sharp and answer the questions carefully. Be aware of possible hackers, never share your home address, since that can also compromise the privacy and safety of your family.

Report Any Player That Has the Intention of Hacking Someone

We often forget that in many online games there are moderators that can aid us in a moment of trouble. Since there are a lot of hackers that first send messages to their victim, one of the best ways that you can fight back is reporting the player with a moderator or letting other users know about this player. You can also report them on the official website of the game.

With this, you’ll be helping the online community of the game by removing any hacker that might harm another player’s security, also, remember to report any suspicious activity between two players.

Online privacy is one of the best benefits that we possess, and the fact that someone can compromise your privacy and all while you play your favourite online video game is something to be worried about.

With this information and tips, you will be able to fight back or at least protect your information.


3 Ways to Protect Your Money Against Hackers In 2019

Who said hackers can't mess with our finances? Thanks to the advances of technology, the financial institutions allow us to do certain operations directly from their official pages, avoiding that we have to go to the bank all the time.

But not everything is good, because we could be victims of blockades of computer experts, able to play with our money and leave us in bankruptcy with simple computer movements.

In this article, we will share some of the best tips to be safe from any computer attack on our money.

Confirmation Codes

Use confirmation codes. It seems a little obvious and that's why sometimes we don't do it right. Many of us are left with a single security system and forget about the other elements that the bank offers us.

If our bank has more than one security system to make transactions it is because they want us to be protected against hackers, so let's use everything they have in place.

Public Wi-Fi

Do not use public Wi-Fi networks. When you enter your bank accounts, try not to do it from public networks, because of how easy it is to access. It is one of the spaces most frequented by hackers.

Usually, in public networks, there are viruses that can affect the operation of the computer and the pages that we enter because that is where the hacker does his job.

Official Apps

Install the official app of your bank. That will give you the security and certainty that everything you do is shielded and you are interacting directly with the bank and not with a third party.

It is almost impossible for hackers to be able to enter applications because they are encrypted systems that require a lot of work to be violated.

With these tips you'll be completely sure that your money will not fall into the hands of computer attackers, you'll have your finances safe and live with more peace of mind.


Online Cooperative Games Might Be the Future of Gaming

We are coming to a moment in history where, finally, the developers found a crucial point in the use of these machines, making the game experience richer than before. This has been achieved by the increasingly massive implementation of the online Co-op and, more importantly, the way it integrates with the single player experience to make this aspect one of the scales that define the new generation of gaming.

And, although, generally not everyone likes that most of the games are now cooperative experiences, there's nothing to do about it, since the video game industry believes in that and, therefore, this mode has come to stay at the highest places of shopping lists every year.

First Experiences


The first game that will come to mind is Destiny, and this concept is its string point, the creation of Bungie sponsored by Activision tries to integrate into a massive and dynamic world whether we want it or not.

This promising first-person action game brings the experience of a "shared world" to a new level, introducing things like fighting with many players from around the world (known and unknown). It is one of the main games that have been able to innovate this world.

Now, Ubisoft is the main new cooperative which has embraced the novelty to include it in a handful of their present and future launches, the team behind Ubisoft made the multiplayer and solo experiences merge almost irremediably.

It seems that this type of playable system has been created with the purpose of enchanting the whole audience and we can see it in the sales of the game mentioned before. The whole cooperative is made for the masses.

New Players


The variety is overwhelming and promises to mark the way forward, but, is this the path we want to follow? This is a risky bet on the part of the developers and it could happen that the players do not support or enjoy this integration of the different game modes in just one experience.

It is possible that Ubisoft and Activision have to give a turn of 180 degrees to their policies (as Microsoft did in recent years) to face new players.



Now, when you put the console to play a campaign, instead of stupid characters, you will have to deal with other users who will interact (or not) with you, shaping a universe much richer and varied.

A quite extensive mix that promises to mark the course, moving aside the games of a single player, which over the years have become old and are being forgotten.

In conclusion, the most affected are the less common players, as being immersed in a game/campaign with other more experienced users requires a high level of involvement and responsibility, although it is not an urgent inconvenience that needs to be resolved.


How To Find Your Lost Private Archives On Your PC

Every time you delete something on your PC you can recover it with a free tool to recover deleted files. It works on the system, on external hard drives, or even on an MP3 player, smartphone or pen drive.

This is possible thanks to the fact that when we delete a file, it does not completely disappear until it is overwritten with other data just in the sector that it occupied on the disk, in this article, we will see some steps to recover files.


First, you must stop using the computer immediately to avoid overwriting information about what you want to recover. For the same reason, it is important that you have the application you will use to recover the previously deleted file. But if this is not the case, we can still try with several methods that are used when these problems appear.

Run the Software Through your Computer


Run the program and answer what kind of files you want to retrieve. The more specific you are, the faster the process will be. If you are looking for only one document, there is no need to mark photo or music files, for example.

Deep-Scanning is the Key


You can do a deep scan, something that will be necessary if you have used another application to recover files and you did not get anything, or if you have already done a couple of quick searches with the application and you did not find what you wanted.

Check & Recover


To retrieve, check the checkbox of the files you want back and press "recover". Here you will be asked in which directory you want to do it and you must choose the external storage device you are using again.

After completing the process, all the files you lost will be back and you can use them again without any problem thanks to the great applications that make life easier.


Dodging the Bait – How to Avoid Phishing Attempts While You Enjoy A Multiplayer Game

Every day there are many phishing cases around the world. In addition, we see how more and more new techniques are used to manage to deceive the victims: emails very successful simulating being from the bank, alleged notifications of fines of large calibre and notices of teleoperators to name but a few examples.

For someone familiar with the technologies and the digital environment it may be easy to recognize a fake email, but this is not always the case.

In this article, we will see the best tips to avoid being a victim of phishing while playing online.

Accounts and Safety URLs

Check the account. If the recipient's name or address is suspicious, we already have the first phishing test.

Check the URL. The best way to make sure is to pass the mouse over the hypertext to see the URL and if this has something to do with the company that sends the email.

Spelling mistakes, standard greetings, and no contacts should be dead giveaways.

These three points are usually common in scam emails. Bad spelling phrases are not a good sign for a user posing as an authoritative figure.

Passwords and Threats

The threat factor is another common tactic in cases of phishing and is used to try to make the recipient nervous. Therefore, it is common to find threats like "If you do not answer this email, we will block your account in 3 days" and that can affect the decision of the users to enter the strange links that are sent.

Nobody's going to ask for your password. Your bank will never ask you for your account number or your favourite social network will ask you for your access password.

Using common sense is always the most important thing but, in these cases,even more so.

If something smells weird to you, you don't miss anything by trying to contact the company that supposedly sends the email to make sure. With these tips, you will be completely safe and have the greatest security within the main multiplayer servers.

How to Prevent Online Phishing Scams?

From Visually.


Security On-Demand – Google’s New Tool to Secure Your Credentials

There are many Internet data violations every day that affect many users. That is why we need firm and lasting solutions so that every person within the networks can feel much safer from any malicious virus or from any type of damage caused to our personal data.

Google has designed a new tool that will help us keep our data secure and let us know when a Web page is not safe.

This application has been designed to alert users when they use an exact user name and password combination for any web site that has been previously exposed in any third-party data breach, in order to protect and keep the user insured at all times.


What's this Tool?

The new tool that is initially available as a free extension of the Chrome browser called Password Checkup, works by automatically comparing the user-entered credential on any site with an encrypted database containing more than 4 billion of committed credentials that are constantly updated for better security within the web. It is a very useful tool that provides a new insight to users on cybersecurity


Password and user information are kept in total privacy. Google has ensured that it is not possible for the data to be accessible within the system, as well as other external tools that protect the user against any failure that appears in the database.

Many technicians of the company have said that it is a very well implemented system that does not have many failures and that also has backups.


In addition to launching the new Chrome extension, Google has also included five security tips that serve to keep your software up to date, use unique passwords for each site, perform Google security control, set up a phone number for recovery or email address and use.

It is a great advantage to have these new tools that will serve to take much more into account the security of all our devices against the attack of hackers on the Internet. It is necessary to follow these tips for better development in the web field.

vpn laptop - 3 Major Advantages of Using a VPN This Year

3 Major Advantages of Using a VPN This Year

More and more people opt for a VPN instead of using a Wi-Fi connection or a local network of a telephone operator. One of the main reasons is that you can dodge censorship, telework (connect from home to the network of the office), and have more security against viruses and hackers, to achieve a total block against any threat that exists in the network.

An important aspect to note is that they are private, you can only access them if your computer is connected or discharged on that network, it is something quite interesting and they are able to collect a lot of information in a short period of time. Let's see in more detail what kind of advantages they offer:

They Work for All Types of Applications

This is because they are able to route all Internet traffic, this type of services manages to channel a large amount of data and are able to move around several types of networks looking for the best availability and security.

Easy Connection and Disconnection

Once you have set it up, you can turn the connection on and off whenever you want to control your data.

You Can Falsify Your Location

This is to avoid censorship or access limited content to a region, otherwise, you would not have access to them.

It is proven that using VPN programs will increase security levels by using your device, it is very important to know the benefits to be able to create barriers against everything related to hackers and the way they work.

Best VPN Providers

From Visually.


Multiplayer Odyssey – Funcom Planning to Make an Open World Dune Videogame

Open world sandbox is one of the most popular genres of videogames from recent times. With the addition of modern multiplayer elements, games such as Minecraft, Roblox, and even Fortnite shines with great multiplayer features that make the interaction between players more enjoyable.

The Fame of Recent Online Games


It is no secret that games revolving open world elements are incredible fun, we can see the growth of this genre since the early days of GTA and it has evolved into a new genre with the sandbox elements that are being introduced in the latest games.

With that being said, there are a lot of online games that take the best elements of sandbox videogames and open world features to make their online experience richer. With that in mind, we can take for granted that a lot of games including online and sandbox features are coming in the future.

The Arrival of Funcom To Open World Multiplayer


Funcom has been having a great year when it comes to earnings. The past year was the most profitable for the company yet, and they are planning to expand horizons and search for a better project that can captivate the attention of the average gamer.

For that, they propose the option of working in a multiplayer title that had similar tones from the most famous entries of this year, such as Apex Legend. But the difference is that the direction that Funcom has for this new project has an interesting approach.

Legendary Entertainment Alliance


In order to make the best game possible, Funcom has allied with Legendary Entertainment, a well-known videogame company among PC gamers. The next title in question is going to be based on one of the most interesting universes in any sci-fi story so far.

We are talking about the universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune. Being one of the best books of science fiction and one of the major inspirations for almost any science fiction story, the universe of Dune is going to be hard to adapt into a videogame, making the help of Legendary entertainment more useful than ever.

Funcom being a company with incredible success in their single-player adventures, they have very little experience with online multiplayer games. But this ambitious project is speculated to be a great project, as well an interesting game to look forward to the next couple of years.

With MMO games being one of the most playable genres among gamers, it is obvious that this project in the hands of Funcom is going to be a massive success, meanwhile, for the gamer community, we can only hope for this project to be as good as it sounds.


Online Interactions – Is Roblox Safe for Our Children?

With the arrival of Minecraft into the world of video games, the sandbox genre took another direction. From being a genre that involved fights and missions, it became something else, focusing a little more in exploration and creation, letting your imagination take flight and see what you can do with the boundaries of the game.

Roblox is an example of this type of game that became quite famous among young gamers. The average players of Roblox are around 5-15, making it a family friendly video game since there’s no crude violence or explicit language, just an original game designed to be safe for kids.

Is Roblox The Right Game for Our Kids?

The main pros of Roblox are that the game is incredibly creative within their elements, as well as the features that have made it a really fun video game, which can truly be enjoyed by players of all ages.

With that in mind, something that also has to be said about Roblox is that, as many other games from these past years, is focused on multiplayer connectivity. The fact that Roblox doesn’t possess a single player mode (or offline mode as some people choose to refer to it) can be a problem for some parents who are afraid of the online contact of their child.

The Problem with Online Interactions

As any other video game that relies on multiplayer connectivity, the main experience is to interact with other players, and Roblox being a game that is mainly focused on creation and exploration, one of the main things to consider is the user-generated content that is on the game, and how it affects our kids in particular.

For example, taking in consideration that Roblox allows any kind of players and it doesn’t have an age restriction, any kind of person can interact directly with your kid, making it the main issue regarding the safety of the game and what we are exposing our kids to.

Terms of Service and Parent Control

The interactions between the players are always being monitored in Roblox as in another type of video games, but in Roblox, we know that there are moderators and certain rules that make the game a little safer for our kids.

There are serious consequences if you use inappropriate language, any use of bad words can result in a ban, it also detects if you use bad language and censorship is implemented almost immediately, making the game a little friendlier to young users and approachable to all ages.


Players Demand – Sony Is Planning to Release New Multiplayer Exclusive Video-games

The big AAA Companies behind every famous video game saga or title are considering the fact of making an online multiplayer video game, thanks to the well-received games that we’ve had this past couple of years.

Considering, for example, the success of Fortnite and Hearthstone, even if we take a look at the past, we’ll find games such as World of Warcraft and Team Fortress. The future lies on online multiplayer games and it is time for Sony to get into that field and make a new title, which will be heavily focused on a great multiplayer experience.

The Future Plans of Sony


Every console that Sony has made, has become a mass success, and this is not only for the graphics capabilities and features of their PlayStation home consoles but the great titles that come behind this console too.

With that in mind, Sony is finally considering a big project for the rumoured PlayStation 5. We are talking about an online experience as we’ve never seen before, that promises us to be one of the most memorable games by this legendary company.

Sony In Comparison with Other AAA Companies


The exclusives of Sony have become the strongest points of this company, take a look at their God of War saga or the well-known Uncharted saga. While these games are incredibly great, they lack a good multiplayer experience.

In another interesting point of view, other AAA Companies, such as Nintendo, have a great market in what it is their online multiplayer. One of the best examples is the legendary sagaSuper Smash Bros Ultimate, that possesses a great multiplayer feature that can extend the replay value of the game considerably.

Without mentioning other AAA Companies, we now understand the position of Sony when it comes to online features, as well how their games are lacking a great multiplayer mode, so they can finally shine on their own and add a little more of time to their replay value.

Being Available for Other Consoles


Cross-playing as most of the gamers call these games, are video games that share their online servers with other different consoles that don’t follow their same company. For example, Fortnite, being a game that allows cross-playing, a Nintendo user and an Xbox user can play on the same match even though they have different consoles.

So, the option of sharing servers with other console users makes the game feel really different, since now there are more players from other consoles. Having more players in the same server also allows more matches with different players, making the game more diverse when it comes to skills and player’s interaction.

However, there is a major point that has to be explained about the new multiplayer game by Sony, while this isn’t written on stone, they are considering the chances of not having a cross-playing mode.

Having the game being exclusively for Sony will make their new console more appealing for players, making an interesting feature for the next PlayStation. Sony is truly a professional gaming business and knows what their players want, that’s why we can expect this new multiplayer project to be a massive success.