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Online Security for Beginners – 4 Tips to Know While You Browse Online

The Internet is already part of almost all of our daily activities. While there are more advances in the technological process and in international networks, even more, the internet comes close to our lives to be important.

That is why most systems around the world have started to integrate new technologies that ensure the total balance of a virtual platform, in order to keep users safer.

Online banking has also begun to follow in the footsteps of large industries, has gradually implemented all systems to the Internet. And many times, we usually see the advantages that these network systems provide, but we also need to see the drawbacks and find solutions to prevent the damage that could be caused.

In this article, we will review the most used tips to keep financial accounts secure within the Internet.

Safe Computers


When doing banking it is advisable to opt for computers that we use habitually (at home or at work), avoiding the use public computers or Wi-Fi networks that could capture personal data.

In the event that it is strictly necessary to use it, it would be best to change the bank passwords as soon as possible to avoid any theft of personal data and thus keep your accounts safe and free of any attack within the online world.



We should never archive keys, account numbers, passwords, card numbers or other confidential data on any computer as you may run the risk of losing it while someone you know goes through your files.

It is necessary to save all the data in a safe place where no person can access them. This is one of the main tips if we want to have the greatest security.

Bank Security


Once inside the digital banking area we should know that the portal of a digital bank has certificates that guarantee the security of the system.

To extend the confidence, other measures have been developed such as the blocking of the accounts against anomalous movements, notices against suspicious logins, the request of numerical passwords sent to the mobile device or the introduction of certain coordinates to the time to perform operations, among other things to detect bad operations.

Check Accounts


Digital banking allows you to access the accounts at any time to check periodically that no foreign movements occur, and that the date and time of connection correspond to the last session started.

And it is necessary for each person to keep most of their accounts updated and verified every so long to minimize the risks that might exist by having a bank account susceptible to stealing personal data. You always have to do a deep check of the accounts.

Once we have finished our operations, we must always close the session and the navigator. This way we will finish the online transactions correctly, with few drawbacks and sure that everything went well. These tips are fundamental and represent the best way to keep our financial accounts safe and free of any possible attacks.


3 Methods That Most Online Casinos Use to Protect Your Information

Every online casino has the goal to attract as many people as it can to the website because that's their business. Nonetheless, people need to be careful when choosing a casino to play at and keep their banking account data safe and far away from the actual server.

Here, we will show you 3 of the most used strategies online casinos implement to protect your information from being stolen in times where hackers are anywhere and everywhere.

Encrypted Information

If the casino you are planning to play at has ‘https’ starting the address means it follows an encryption protocol and your data will always be hidden. Besides, every money-based website has several encryption levels to hide the financial information the best they can.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

We all are tired to hear people say the phrase “read the small print at the bottom of the contract” as if it was something people would forget as soon as they hear it. But yes, the raw reality is that we often don’t read those small letters and get discouraged by the final result when you notice the casino was selling your contact information to other people or companies.

Tricky Terms and Conditions Policies

The online casino you want to join should have clear terms and conditions. It is always easier to tell they will not take responsibility about certain things that happen in the playroom, or the payment conditions. You should always keep discussing it and learn exactly what will the casino take responsibility for and what not.

Casinos have more than these 3 methods to use and prove their value and trustworthiness by implementing any, or everyone, of these strategies listed above. And whether you like it or not, there's no better thing than feeling you are being taken care of while the casinos have your back most of the times.


Professional Advice – 3 Ways to Be Safe on the Internet

In this new era of technology, we still insist on some tips to surf on the internet and be safe. Using strong passwords, not revealing sensitive data, updating operating systems and having an antivirus updated are some of the recommendations that we provide to our readers.

We must accompany our children in the responsible use of the Internet, adopting new methods and condemning any kind of harassment-based situation that could harm users.

The Internet is some kind of universe, where there are also bad people and good people, but the number of people who carry out bad practices is rising in most of the countries, only last year there was an increase of 56% in the cyber world, an ever-increasing problem.

That is why this article will talk about some of the most used tips to maintain safety while surfing through the Internet.



One of the most basic tips is also the simplest of all, it is to protect your computer with a password, as this will restrict the login and prevent another person from entering without your consent.

The password must be strong so that no one can decipher it and, thus, it will maintain a protection barrier a little more secure than usual that can cope with any type of cyber-attack or theft of data on behalf of a thief of the network.

Secure Connection


This is a very interesting fact and it is something that not everyone keeps in mind. It is vital to avoid exchanging information without knowing the connection is secure.

To find out if a secure connection has been established, on the computer the beginning of the contacted page address will be "https" instead of "HTTP".

In addition, at the bottom of the browser (status bar), a closed padlock appears and will tell the users that the connection to the page is not being intercepted by any service of hacking.



You have to pay close attention to detect if your computer was infected with a virus or has malicious software. Among the signals you might find that the home page or other browser configuration elements have changed, some web pages are not accessible, popups appear endlessly, a new toolbar has been installed, the PC works very slowly, among other things. It is important to look for a solution with an antivirus.

With these basic tips, you will be able to secure your experience on the Internet, find a way to protect your computer, and help others keep their connections safe and avoid account theft on social networks or even entertainment networks.


Cloud Storage and the Future for Online Videogames

The cloud is part of everyone's life, and we love to store our files there, photos, music, and even our favourite movies. It seems that future generations would not need a physical product if it can be delivered digitally.

And with the advantages of this ability to access content from almost anywhere, and on different devices, it makes sense that we use this technology.

But just as the cloud has affected music and movies, it is about to have a dramatic impact on the world of video games. The cloud has become something important, video game creators have wanted to take advantage of this new trend and more and more companies flock to cloud technology and also to streaming services.

In this article, we will see the main reasons why the cloud could become the future of video games.


Cloud technology in video games continues in its beginnings as bandwidth is still invariably insufficient, and the games themselves are often not designed with the cloud in mind. However, it is predicted that for 2017 the market of the discharge and transmission will grow nine times, while the segment of the games in box remains stagnated relatively.

The process of how technology will develop can be slow and country-to-country while technology improves can make significant progress.

Is it a Reality?

Some may say that cloud play is already a reality, there are numerous online games that can be played anywhere but what we are really talking about is invisible games where a game is "transmitted" through the house and any of your devices.

It's not about the equipment but the bandwidth that could damage the user's gaming experience, but it's still an experience worth taking, it's a necessary risk to advance the technology.

New Developers

A few developers are still hesitant to enter this new platform. For example, EA says they want to focus on the enjoyment of the players in their HD games, as in Battlefield, which will not be viable in the cloud for some time. Others are concerned about the subscription models discussed, they don't see the business opportunities they offer.

A certain thing is that those who are late will end up behind the pioneers of this new opportunity as companies like Microsoft are having great success.

Most of the data provided here are real, and companies want to be sure that they will be able to take advantage of video games in the cloud and that is why they are looking for new ways to maintain safer connections.

Cloud Data Storage: The Beginners Guide

From Visually.


Fight Back – What to Do Against Hackers in Your Favourite Online Videogame

Over the decades and the evolution of video games to the online world, new things have emerged and have completely changed the way in which the new titles that usually come out each year are enjoyed.

One of the main problems of today's online games are the so-called "hackers", who have entered the world of the Internet and have become a headache.

With video games, it's no different. Year after year newer games usually have users who cheat to win more things within them or to delete accounts of other players. They are a problem for everyone and there is a growing effort to eradicate them from each title.

That's why this article will review some of the most used tips to beat these hackers who cause so much damage.

Cheating is Almost Impossible to Avoid

The first step is to understand that video game cheating is something simple and will always be present in our current times. The developers believe that every new title will suffer from cheating, it's obvious, plus it's a pretty annoying thing.

Many companies try to stop the advancement of these users who cheat but the truth is that it is very difficult to stop them because video games are usually distributed to many people with different goals. It's hard to stop the advancement of hackers.

Fame - Hacking Attempts Linking

Then, there is another point even more logical and that every company should know at the time of creating a video game: the more famous the game is, the more hacking attempts will increase.

The fame of the game could harm the users of your game because of the hackers who are always lurking, seeking opportunities to cheat and destroy the gaming experience of honourable players.It's unbelievable but is true, all the famous games have had these problems.

Hackers Know How to Hide

Hackers will always try to hide from developers, so that traps are not detected, that is one of the strengths they will always employ to stop the massive searches that would take them out of the system.

A hacker can easily create codes to hide their illicit activities in the game server and with that, they can do anything they want without being discovered by a moderator or an administrator. We need to create programs and have strategies to ensure the integrity of the game.

Colour Coding Against Hackers

The game code is never safe. Yes, all hackers who play games have a copy, so any changes that are made will not go unnoticed for these users who cheat. It is the duty of developers to update the base code of their game to stop hackers and get a more complete user base and with clear rules from day one.

Surely, some hackers will manage to evade all security, but with each update, it won't be easy for them and the game will improve.These tips are very useful for game developers who want to keep their users away from hackers.

These main rules are important and should be a basis for the development of today's video games since the most important thing is to have many players who actually enjoy the game.


The Fraud of Online Videogames – Gamers on the Hook for Fraud

We all play games, and every year there are new innovations and video games undergoing an evolution for better or worse. It all depends on how good are the games that come out in that specific year.

But, lately, the maximum innovation was achieved with MMORPG, with portals to new interactive dimensions where we will find many users willing to share the game with us and explore immense worlds capable of surprising us.

However, there is a fairly large problem that has spread around most of these games. Today, there are many ways to steal in MMORPG and many unscrupulous users have taken the initiative and have created copies capable of emulating the original game, but always with an illicit background.

In this article, we will see some of the most common methods of fraud within this type of games that are so famous all over the world.


Piracy is a pretty big problem in the video game world. Currently, most of the games that are on the market are immediately copied by users and distributed free of charge over the Internet.

There is no regulatory body for this type of illegal content and users who do this kind of practices maintain absolute anonymous. It is a headache for companies, as there are cases where the username has been stolen because of some pirate applications.

The Trap

One of the most used methods in today's online games has a bit of social engineering. Bad users who perform these practices usually enter the larger gaming servers and offer rewards or game items to regular players who become interested and fall into the trap.

It is here when the bad users ask for the password and username of the players to then steal everything they have in their account and leave them ruined.

These methods are being used at every moment within the biggest MMORPG, and that is why you have to create awareness to stop the fake players who are looking to harm the communities of these games.


2 Tools to Prevent the Attack of Hackers

At this moment in history, it is not a novelty that many companies are the centre of attacks by hackers, so you need to know how to prevent possible attacks on data and sensitive information about your business, transactions, customers, employees and suppliers.

It happens that many entrepreneurs make the mistake of not worrying about having security measures on their equipment, communication networks over the Internet and software.

This is why we will present the best tools to control cyber-attacks in any company and with the best results of the whole market.

Data Encryption


Using data encryption or encryption in the information that is transmitted through your computers and networks is vital, that is, the technologies and the process that makes any information illegible if the correct security key is not entered.

This data encryption can help you to secure the confidential data of your business and keep any kind of data that contains valuable and necessary details for the growth of your businesssafe.



Know the network. This means that you need to know and analyse all the movements that occur in the networks, the entrances and exits and also who are the people who possess credentials of access to computer programs, computers and services contracted of the type cloud computing.

If you realize an activity out of the ordinary, your duty is to make preventive decisions before the attack is imminent or there is a theft or leak of information that jeopardizes the integrity of your company.

With these great tips, you can keep the hackers away from your company, you can sleep quietly thinking that your data will be very safe. That is why it is vital to get good training and learn as much as possible about the subject, and in that way, you won't fall into traps and cheap tricks.


3 Computer Security Tips You Should Already Know

We all have confidential information to protect, both in our personal lives and in our professional work. It is becoming more and more common to read news about companies to which the information and customers have been stolen. In many cases, what has led to theft is the basic computer security shortfall of one of the employees.

We all have a responsibility in the use and storage of confidential information by electronic means. That is why we will share some of the best tips for computer security in our companies or businesses right here.

Updated OS

Perhaps the most important thing for the security of a computer is to maintain the operating system (Windows, OS X, Linux, etc.) of the computer and the programs that are used, updated with the last security patch.

This is because as soon as you have a security problem in an operating system or in a program, the cybercriminals analyse it and quickly look for ways to exploit it to achieve their ends and easily get the data of the majority of users who have security issues inside the outdated computers.


Every day, we get more external information, download files and browse a lot on the Internet. Therefore, it is essential that the computer has an antivirus installed to be protected against so many possible threats.

It is true that as they are less used than computers with Windows, the cybercriminals pay less attention to MAC devices, but they also need antivirus programs, because anywhere in the world there are hackers capable of detecting faults in Mac systems and can completely damage the data stored on your device.


When we move away from our computer for a moment it is important to block it. It is an operation that costs a couple of seconds and prevents someone from using the computer and stealing our information while we are absent.

These tips are essential today to maintain more stable security of a computer at any time. Following the advice presented here, will help you in the battle against the cybercriminals that sooner or later can attack your most vulnerable information, so it is necessary to protect our PC very well from all these drawbacks.


In Tribute of Local Co-op – Online Videogames Being the Only Multiplayer Choice

Currently, many cooperative games are being erased from the lists of the best titles for the simple fact of having eliminated everything that made them a great game. For some years, companies have emphasized online games more, opting for alternative game modes.

Bad news for some people, but here we will see some of the main causes of the total elimination of the local co-op.



The main cause is given by the processing of the consoles of the current generation. Most new consoles that are rising to the top, do not have the capacity to emulate the point of view of more than two users at a time.

Some games have had enough difficulties at the time of playing such as Mario Kart 8 and that is why many enterprises have decided to simply eliminate the game mode and put something else in multiplayer mode.



It is sad that the games can no longer be played in the same way with friends, often the games compel us to be alone but connected with others through the networks and these practices could mean the beginning of an era where friends cannot play on the same console anymore.

Many companies are removing the local Co-op, but there is still an opportunity to revive old classics that could continue to have these game modes.

It is a case that you have to follow very closely, as the games are becoming more demanding and powerful, so the needs of users are changing and often companies take away what is unnecessary.


3 Trends That Will Change the Future of Videogames

Currently, the video game industry is one of the largest that exist. The sales numbers of these organizations are very large and most people in the world have played any game on Xbox or PS4, and the industry doesn't seem to stop with anything.

That is why many tendencies have appeared over the years, these trends have constituted around a business model quite attractive for many users and which led the largest lists of benefits. Here are some trends in the video game world.



There is some fear that video game technology, as far as graphical visualization concerns, is close to reaching the top of evolution and there are already images of games that border this type of rendering.

For this reason, technologies such as virtual reality (VR) have begun to resurface in the gaming industry as an alternative, where marking devices such as Oculus Rift or the Sony Morpheus project, are turning into the path that much of the medium-term industrycould take.

Being able to enter a game is, undoubtedly, something that every gamer expects to try one day, since the virtual reality games offer a different, completely new experience, where you can feel that, in the end, the user is really the protagonist of the story.

As part of this phenomenon, we could also include augmented reality (AR), with which the user's gaming experience is enhanced with additional data via digital overlay in real-time.

Cloud Gaming


Thanks to ever-faster internet connections, the philosophy of cloud computing has begun to gain momentum in the video game industry. The cloud gaming, or game in the cloud, is a mode of play that allows the user to interact online via streaming on their PC or mobile device, while the game runs on the server of the developer company and is transmitted directly to the devices with access to the server through the application.

This allows access to the games without the need of powerful devices and so the processing capacity that the user has does not have to be so high, because the server of the company is the system that is running the game with all the needs of processing that are required.

Security and Mobile Devices


With the market boom of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, the battle of the consoles among major brands (Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo) has been intensified, in a race to create a secondary gaming device appealing for the players.

A practical example is the first-person games, which in this second-screen scenario allow access to additional screens without losing this point of view.

It is an additional tool for players that allow complementing the gaming experience provided by the Xbox consoles, converting devices like smartphones or tablets into new game controllers, plus it adds more security to personal accounts.

With these new trends, the future of video games is practically ensured. There will be new technologies to help the industry grow constantly and new titles and types of virtual security are also being achieved to support players and their accounts.